Tugs and Work Boats
MDC is providing design for all types of tugs and workboats
MDC is together with partners delivering cutomized designs for tugs and workboats.
- Tug - Tug/Escort Vessel - Emergency Response and Towing Vessel - Offshore Patrol and Rescue Vessel
- Ocean going Tug - Tug and Salvage Vessel - Tug/Ice Breaking/Fire Fighting Vessel - Tug /Ice Breaking Vessel
- Pusher Tug - Harbour Tug - Mooring boat
- Salvage Ship - Salvage, Rescue, Diving Support and Submarine Rescue Vessel
- Harbour Survey Vessel - Coastal/Littoral Survey Ship - Coastal Chart Survey Ship - Hydrographic Survey Ship - Buoy Laying and Maintenance Vessel
- Diving Vessel (Coastal/Harbour) - Oil Recovery Vessel (Coastal/Harbour)
- Fire Fighting Vessel (Coastal/Harbour) - Fireboat
- Fisheries Patrol Vessel - Patrol Vessel (Coastal) - Pilot Vessel - Rescue Vessel - Crew Boat
- Fishfarming Vessel - Fishfarming Work Vessel - Inspection Vessel
- Diving Training and Support Barge - Fishfarming Barge Construction Barge - Crane Barge