Oil and Oil Product Tankers
MDC is providing designs for all types of oil and oil product tankers, based on latest knowlegde and development in hullform, propulsion and fuelling and cargo handling.
MDC team has a long track record in designing oil and oil product tankers
MDC designs for all types of oil and oil product tankers, are being customized to owner and operator/charterers requirements.
- Oil Tanker - Crude Oil Carrier - VLCC, ULCC - Shuttle Tanker - Arctic Crude Oil Tanker ยท
- Oil Products Tanker - Oil Products and Chemicals Tanker (Coated tanks) - Oil and Chemicals Tanker (Coated tanks) - Oil and Caustic Soda Tanker
- Asphalt Tanker - Asphalt/Oil Tanker - Asphalt/Bitumen Tanker
- Combination Carrier - Ore/Oil Carrier - Ore/Slurry/Oil Carrier - Ore/Bulk/Oil Carrier
- Dry Cargo/Oil Carrier - Deck Cargo Carrier/Oil Carrier
- Bunkering Vessel - Harbour Bunker Vessel
- Oil Production Ship - Oil Production and Storage Vessel - Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Vessel FPSO
- Oil Storage Vessel - Oil Storage Tanker - Floating Storage and Offloading Vessel FSO
- Oil Barge (w. engine) - Tank Barge - Bunker Barge - Oil Storage Barge