
2nd MDC 1308 ECOLUTION type 8400 dwt General Cargo Carrier for BERGE REDERI AS Contracted

2nd MDC 1308 ECOLUTION type 8400 dwt General Cargo Carrier for BERGE REDERI AS Contracted

Berge Rederi AS, has confirmed contract for 2nd General cargo ships of 8.400 dwt.

The newbuilding will be built by the Chinese shipyard, Dayang Offshore Engineering Co. Ltd., to the MDC 1308 “ECOLUTION” design.

The vessel will be a 120 m “self-loading/discharging” type vessel for the North-European trade.

The design has been developed in close cooperation between Berge Rederi AS and MDC.

Technical specification includes innovative and sustainable solutions with a strong focus on the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) including present and future environmental requirements, such as battery plant which enables the vessel to perform cargo operations powered electrically and consequently emission free.   

Berge Rederi AS can with this new design and newbuilding offer better logistical solutions with a greener footprint on competitive terms.